by AntrАcsА
GGSenio84 написа:Някой може ли да ми каже как се слагат нови екипи в демото. Т.е. каква програма ми трябва? Благодаря предварително.
[/quote]nintek написа:note: this page contains pics for most of the things - if they don`t load refresh the page
* Red and White Nets
* No ballmarker
* mirrors for all files
* Kit-Pack alpha-2
* Flag-Update reworked (no more pixelation for epl and buli)
* Tip /Tutorial *
* Kit-Pack alpha
* League emblems final
* PS3 Buttons
* Bootpack V2 *
Kit-Pack alpha-2
This Pack contains Kits for:
- Arsenal
- Aston Villa
- Birmingham
- Blackburn
- Derby
- Chelsea
- Everton
- Fulham
- Liverpool
- ManC
- ManU
- Portsmouth
- Sunderland
- Westham
- Wigan
- Bremen
- Dortmund
- Schalke
- Stuttgart
- Germany
- Romania
note: this is still alpha possible bugs regarding numbers e.t.c
Remove your option file if the kits don`t work.
kit-pack.alpha2.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 3.15MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/Kit+Packalph ... einfo.html
simonhibsey for relinking unlicensed kits
Hello, Gowaa C., Gu3d4, leandrobraupp, The_Juice, YNWA, Francole, ZaGabria
Custom Champions-League Adboards
custom.champions-league.ads.pe2008-nin-tek.rar - 2.05MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/customchampi ... einfo.html
Flag update reworked (no more pixelation for epl and buli)
flag.update.pes2008.reworked-nin-tek.rar - 2.14MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/FlagUpdatePE ... einfo.html
League Emblems FINAL
league.emblems.final.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 2.85MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/leagueemblem ... einfo.html
The big EPL and BuLi emblem in edit mode is by jacksion1984
Deepred style-theme
deepred.style-theme.pes2008-nintek.rar - 1.06MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/deepredstyle ... einfo.html
Oldschool Cursor and scoreboard
Note: only first to players have new cursor and the radar is completely out.
oldschool.cursor.and.scoreboard.pes2008-nintek.rar - 0.03MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/oldschoolcur ... einfo.html
Custom menu Music
menu.music.pes2008-nin-tek.part1.rar - 95.78MB
menu.music.pes2008-nin-tek.part2.rar - 32.22MB
1 - Start AFS Explorer and go to menu FILE - IMPORT AFS File
2 - In the dialog window go to last combo box and select ALL FILES
3 - From your PES 2008 img folder open cs.img
4 - Go to Action > Import Folder and choose the folder cs.img from this pack
5 - Answer Yes to questions - type "cs1.img" as new name and rebuild the .img
6 - Remove your old "cs.img" and rename the new "cs1.img" to "cs.img"
Credit: Tiempo by 52yfy, MVIII blue by shock3r rest by Paul81118
bootpack.v2.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 1.56MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/bootpackv2pe ... einfo.html
Credit goes to Paul81118 for making these wonderful quality boots I`ve just packed em.
bootpack.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 1.67MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/bootpackpes2 ... einfo.html
XBOXtoPS3 Buttons
note: not all Buttons are replaced - no one knows where the rest is
xboxtops3.buttons.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 0.23MB
RED and WHITE.Nets
red.and.white.nets.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 0.18MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/REDandWHITEN ... einfo.html
No Ballmarker
no.ballmarker.pes2008-nin-tek.rar - 0.00MB
mirror: http://files.filefront.com/NoBallmarker ... einfo.html
-Tips and Tutorial
If you use a nvidia graphics card in the nvidia control panel go to "adjust desktop color settings" and set the slider "digital vibrance" to something like 40 (depending on your monitor /HDTV). You will get much improved visuals (colours /lightning)
If you have problems modifying the reserved space of your files with GGS try in AFS explorer, just mess around a little - I know the tools are buggy with pes2008.
If all goes wrong you can manually extract the .png`s from the delivered .bins in the packs
and inject them in your .img in the right .bin, using GGS720.
Be sure to use newest tools (GGS720 - AFSE 3.7)
Heres a little tutorial I wrote regarding the flag update back then - but this goes for all files which are bigger in size than the original.
Ok what you have to do is download afsexplorer_3_7.rar - 0.20MB
start it and
1 - file - import AFS file...
2 - browse to your pes2008 installation folder ie c:\program files\pes2008\img - set to all files in bottom right and open the cv_0.img file
3 - answer no to messages and the file opens
4 - scroll all down to .bin number 8092 and 8093
5 - do the following for each of both bins - right click - import - and browse to the file you want to import - answer yes to the question if you want to reserve new space for file
6 - now the byte details should show in green for both 8092/93
7 - now click the modify reserved space button (hammer)
8 - and regenerate to a new cv_0.img - save it for example on the desktop
9 - now open the newly created .img and repeat steps 1-4 but this time the files should inject without error messages
10 - then cut the edited cv_0.img from your desktop and paste it in your pes2008\img folder replacing the old cv_0.img - done
This is the procedere if you want to import files which are bigger than the original
If you import files which are same or less bytes you don`t need to reserve space so you just inject them - its done on the fly - no saving needed
Normally I would prefer GGS for this but theres a bug atm where you cant reserve space for some files like those 8092.bins in cv_0.img hope it gets fixed because
with afs explorer you have other bug - you can only regenerate an fresh original .img to a new once
If anything goes wrong or you want original back - on your pes2008 dvd are the original .img files - just copy and replace it to your pes2008\img folder.
- Backup your last edited, working files often! This will save you from trouble. -
- The names of the .bin files doesn`t matter, the numbers are decisive. (in afs explorer you will see only numbers)
- Be sure to use newest tools GGS720 and AFSE 3.7
Have fun
http://downloads.gamingaccess.com/index ... e_id=14519AntrAcsA написа:Дайте линк за GGS 720
[/quote]obocaman написа:Current version: GGS 7.2.0 (Rapidshare, Live-Share, Gamingaccess)
What's new since version 7.1.8:
- Added a "Deferred Mode" option (take a look at the updated Help file, paragraph number 6)
- Added support for PES2008 PS2, PC and X360 versions (including some -incomplete- AFL files)
- Reduction color algorithm has been rewritten (it should be faster and manage alpha channel better now)
- Fixed a bug related to alpha channel in DDS 32bpp textures (for example, boots bump textures)
- Fixed a bug related to 4bpp textures (for example, PSP number files)
- Fixed some bugs more...
This one goes out to my first son Angel, born last wednesday :flower:. Hope Konami can make a decent next-gen game someday so i can play with him in the PS4 or Xbox1080 :mryellow:
What's new since version 7.1.7:
- Fixed the "Modify reserved space" option for PES2008 demo
- Now the editor shows all the files in an afs/img file, even if they are 0-bytes length
- Updated the latest AFL files so they work fine with these settings
What's new since version 7.1.6:
- Fixed the "retro-compatibility" bug
- Fixed a bug related to zlib compression and big files (it made PES2008 faces export bad in PNG format)
- Fixed a bug related to 4bpp textures (it made PES6 PSP numbers import bad)
- Fixed a bug related to PNG files
- Fixed a couple of bugs more
- Added two bigger pencil sizes
- The interlace/swizzle method selected is now saved and selected by default
- Zlib (de)compression should work a little faster
PLEASE READ THE README FILE (even if you already have read it), as it contains very useful information for all of you trying to edit this game.
That's all for now. I just hope this doesn't encourage Konami to encrypt anything in the upcoming final version of the game... [-o< :-$
Let's see who's the first one in discover any new bug, hehe... :lmao: Cheers!
И да има няма да може да се използват без китсървър ако искаш да си с хубав опшън файл.cska14 написа:искам да попитам дали има ве4е готови екипи и на останалите отбори от висшата лига на Англия ?
С инсталация няма как, единствения вариянт е някой да качи целия cv_0, което прави над 1 гига.MrDeqn написа: Искам оня патч отгорее![]()
ама ако мое дирекно с инсталация а не с тия ггс та тва са за умни хора
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????НиКи написа:Имам проблем. Трябва ми малко да увелича reserved space за един файл от cv_1, обаче кат дам Proceed пи изписва Division by zero и нищо не става. При cv_0 пък няма никакви проблеми. Ако бъга е в GGS има ли друг начин да увелича reserved space за даден файл?
Помогнете деИмам проблем. Трябва ми малко да увелича reserved space за един файл от cv_1, обаче кат дам Proceed пи изписва Division by zero и нищо не става. При cv_0 пък няма никакви проблеми. Ако бъга е в GGS има ли друг начин да увелича reserved space за даден файл?
С инсталация няма как, единствения вариянт е някой да качи целия cv_0, което прави над 1 гигаНиКи написа:И да има няма да може да се използват без китсървър ако искаш да си с хубав опшън файл.cska14 написа:искам да попитам дали има ве4е готови екипи и на останалите отбори от висшата лига на Англия ?MrDeqn написа: Искам оня патч отгорее![]()
ама ако мое дирекно с инсталация а не с тия ггс та тва са за умни хора
Ето тук съм показал !! Макар , че и с ГГС става доста лесно :НиКи написа:Помогнете деИмам проблем. Трябва ми малко да увелича reserved space за един файл от cv_1, обаче кат дам Proceed пи изписва Division by zero и нищо не става. При cv_0 пък няма никакви проблеми. Ако бъга е в GGS има ли друг начин да увелича reserved space за даден файл?